The correct answer is a. true
Intrerdire means the opposite of "permettre".
Answer: O la cuisine
Explanation: la cuisine parce que c'est là que vous stockez la plupart de vos aliments
The main reason the Catholic Church opposed the teaching of heliocentrism as a fact was that it was contrary to the science of the time. Amongst the modern myths about early science is the persistent idea that the opposition to heliocentrism was one of "science" versus "religion".
What's the question then?
Je n'ai pas d'espoir de sortir par moi-même de la solitude. La pierre n'a pas d'espoir d'être autre chose que pierre, mais en collaborant, elle s'assemble et devient temple.
*In English*
I have no hope of going out alone. The stone has no hope of being anything but stone, but by collaborating, it assembles and becomes a temple