In the final days of the Second World War, on Aug. 6 and 9, 1945, the U.S. dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Despite U.S. claims to the contrary, these actions were neither justified nor decisive in Japan's surrender. ... The First World War, “the war to end all wars” ended in 1918.
1. house of representatives and Senate
2. senators serve 6 year terms and members of the house of representatives serve 2 year terms be a senator you have to be at least 30, you have to have had U.S citizen ship for at least 9 years, and you have to have U.S residency in which ever state you want to represent be in the house of representatives you must be at least 25 years in age, you have to have been a U.S citizen for at least 7 years, and also live in the state in which you wish to represent
Interchangeable parts- are parts inside of a product that can be replaced individually, without having to replace the entire product
Assembly Line- is the concept of having workers lined up in a "row" and repeatedly do the same job the entire time. this helped with time consumption and made factorial processes much easier
Allows government leaders to maintain power for long periods of time
WWII started on September 1, 1939 when Germany invaded Poland.