That's a really Fat as_s cow. But anyway i bet when it went walking across the street the sheriff said break it up XD
Just trust me on this one i got it-
Due to trench warfare the machine gun caused stalemates because it was difficult to move up
50 years after the Supreme Court decision struck down "separate but equal," scholastic opportunities for African-Americans have expanded. But inequality remains a major problem.<span>The barriers to fulfilling that vision, from family breakdown to persistent residential and educational segregation, remain formidable. Although there is a policy that says about being equal, the white people are still dominant to those who are black.</span>
The fifteenth Amendment covers
the right to vote regardless of color. It did not allow states from denying any
citizen the right to vote on the grounds of race, color, or previous condition
as a slave. The African American men granted the right to vote.