Charles, Missouri Territory, U.S. Jean Baptiste Point du Sable before 1750 – 28 August 1818) is regarded as the first permanent non-Indigenous settler of what would later become Chicago, Illinois, and is recognized as the "Founder of Chicago".
Born in Haiti, Jean-Baptiste Pointe DuSable (ca. 1745 – 1818) is credited as the first citizen of Chicago. His father was a French sea captain and his mother a slave of African descent. DuSable settled by the Chicago River, developing a prosperous trading post around 1779.
All in all, he should be remembered for founding Chicago and developing a prosperous trading post.
Factory conditions were so bad because they didn't have the technology nor the knowledge we have today to run a decent factory. the owners were concerned about profits then a worker's safety. and since workers rights weren't written at the time, the owners got to treat the workers howecer they pleased.
The correct answer is - 2.) Communist governments under Soviet control.
The Soviet Union, just like the United States, during the Cold War period tried to have as many allies as possible in order to have stronger support and protect its interests. Eastern Europe was a region that was almost totally under the control of the Soviets, apart from Yugoslavia which was strong on its own and didn't wanted to be submissive to other country.
The Soviets sponsored Communist governments and gave them a lot of support, be it financial, propaganda, or even military one if there were problems in the country. That led to almost all of the Eastern European nations having governments that were under the influence and control of the Soviets, making them a satellite countries to the Soviet Union.
The main cause is poverty and lack of education. They're very poor, so they can't afford school. If the children do go to school, they drop out very young to work and help earn money for the family. That's not the kind of cycle people can break out of easily.
Add to that the civil war from 1960 to 1996 where the military persecuted the native people, killing up to 200,000, and they've had a pretty rough time of it.