I would choose me because me is who I wanna be
There are an infinite number of them.
Pick any number, multiply the 4 and the 5 both by it, and write the new
numbers in place of them. The new fraction is equivalent to 4/5 .
Instead of reducing a fraction to lower terms, what you have just done is
expand the fraction to higher terms.
Phoenicia was an ancient civilization composed of independent city-states located along the coast of the Mediterranean Sea stretching through what is now Syria, Lebanon and northern Israel.The Phoenicians were a great maritime people, known for their mighty ships adorned with horses’ heads in honor of their god of the sea, Yamm, the brother of Mot, the god of death.
“Concrete Mixers” by Patricia Hubbell compares concrete mixers to elephants to show humans have created relationships with their machines in much the same way as with animals under their care. The poet shows how the drivers of the concrete mixers wash and tend to their mixers just as the mahout take care of their elephants. This comparison is set up at the beginning of the poem with this simile: “Like elephant tenders they hose them down.” To continue this relationship, the poet describes the concrete drivers as “mahouts”, the name for people who take care of elephants in other countries. The poem also describes how the concrete mixers “stand in muck”, meaning that these machines are in muddy environments similar to the environments of elephants who stand in mud or muck.In the end the poet describes how the concrete mixers are like elephants working to do humans’ work by lifting, moving and helping to create new structures in a city. The poet uses several similes to describe concrete mixers as if they were alive: “Concrete mixers/Move like elephants/Bellow like elephants/Spray like elephants” She further strengthens the effect by writing that they “…are urban elephants/Their trunks are raising a city.” This metaphor means that just as elephants work for humans in
Poetry Collection 3 other countries, the machines in the poem are doing the labor of building a city. The poet uses the word “raising” to show that the city is being built up, becoming taller and taller with skyscrapers. Through the effective use of figurative language the poet shows how humans have begun to treat their machines as if they were living, breathing animal