Answer:Pandora opens the box Oyssueus when she opens the box everyone was suprised
She had let the bugs realeas into the world.
-more textbooks to provide for every student
-school compulsory for up to 18 years of age
-more teachers so that classes are not crowded (and easier to teach with smaller classes)
-wider range of subjects available
-languages taught from a younger age e.g. English
nice question
I am proud of who I am as a girl . I am a kind of a tomboy but I like it cause it is who I am and I don't want to change
I would like to change my temer as I get angry really soon
it was nice talking to you
The parents love laxmi, if this many words taken out for the active voice isn't sustainable, and you only need to know how to do an active's simply the passive voice in reverse. So for an active voice it would be the doer of the action, followed by the action, to the receiver of the action