D) They were aimed at people who were criticizing President Adams' foreign policy.
Adams was criticized for his neutrality in conflicts between Britain and France as well as how he handled the XYZ Affair. The Alien and Sedition Acts were meant to protect the reputation of the federal government and prevent people with extreme views from entering the country.
The Sedition Act allowed for punishment for those that spoke out against the government. Federalists like John Adams believed negative speech about the government showed weakness of the new government to the world. He believed that the US needed to show support of the government. The Alien Act was put into place to limit the rights of new immigrants entering into the US. Adams was fearful that immigrants would introduce extreme ideas coming out of the French Revolution. The Alien and Sedition Acts were met with fierce resistance and criticism. The critics led by Thomas Jefferson would form the Democratic-Republican Party to counter a growing Federalist power.
Lincoln was very strongly against slavery, and slavery was a favoured view at that time. People in the South were upset about him winning because they liked slavery. However the North wanted to abolish slavery.
El presidente Truman envía fuerzas estadounidenses para evitar que los coreanos extiendan su gobierno comunista
El presidente Truman envía fuerzas estadounidenses a Corea del Sur para restringir la invasión del Norte. Fue un intento de contener el comunismo y ayudar a sus aliados. El comunismo según el Sr. Truman ha traspasado todos los límites para conquistar naciones independientes. Por lo tanto, EE. UU. Interferirá y utilizará la invasión armada e incluso estará listo para tener una guerra para evitar cualquier otra intrusión del reinado coreano.
The U.S. claim was based on the explorations of Lewis and Clark and on the establishment of trading posts set up by John Jacob Astor's Pacific Fur Company, such as Astoria at the mouth of the Columbia River. Great Britain based its claim, in part, on James Cook's exploration of the Columbia River.