I think its pie, because u can eat it, and people can use pie to smash in others faces, and holiday dinners.
Hey there! So diction basically means what words that the author uses. If they use certain words together, it can create the mood, which in this case is unease. An example might be using words like, "dark", "shadow", "creaking", "silence", or "creepy" in a horror/ scary story. When used together in the story, it can create the mood that something bad migjt happen. The author choses these words carefully to fit the passage. In otherwords, he would not use happy words if writing a horror story.
juhtfuohewugfojhwjlbvonhfvgdhfhchdhjxlj not sure
F, I think you should take on the doubts and concur them!
The “it” in the excerpt possibly refers to the neighborhood that the highway now conceals. However, in a figurative sense, the “it” could refer to the speaker’s culture. This culture was anaspect of her life that she wasn’t too proud of while growing up, but now, as an adult, she misses and respects it. Because of this, the “it” also represents the speaker’s identity.
from coursehero