The answer is "an appeal to moral responsibility."
Coal and oil are fossil fuels.
Wind is usable as renewable energy. Coal and oil were formed long, long ago and we will run out of them eventually.
“The use of animal fat violated Hindu and Muslim beliefs and cause the native soldiers to revolt. This revolt led to one of the largest massacres of British men and women ever recorded.”-
“An attempt was made to evict these Mahajarins, whereupon the military police were attacked by a crowd of some forty Maharanis and the British officer who intervened was seriously wounded with a spade.”-
“A detachment of Indian troops at Kacha Garhi thereupon fired two or three shots at the Mahajarin for making murderous assault on the British officer. One Mahajarin was killed and one wounded and three arrested.
Internel should be internal, diesil should be diesel, combinasion should be combination, presurised should be pressurized, eficiently should be efficiently.