In context of her article, by intelligent citizens Liaugminas means the readers who do not just go with what they witness but figure out if it sounds valid and researched.
Sheila Gribben Liaugminas tries to explain the various biased insights of media and news. In her article "How the media twists the news", she argues the need to look deeper into what the news gives to the world and not just believe it.
In context of her article, by intelligent citizens Liaugminas means the readers who do not just go with what they witness but figure out if it sounds valid and researched.
The meaning of this term changes her initial definition of intelligent news consumers and effective in her call to action using this term is she requests every reader and public to be an intelligent citizen and consumers of what the receive from the media, she asks the public to act on false news instead of believing it..
The number of represenatives is determined by the states population.
Answer: You have to remember that Crusoe did not want to convert to Catholocism and it is not that he did not believe in God, but I think that he realized that he has to take care of himself no matter what the circumstances. He also is able to take care of himself and others. He seems to have wisdom in some areas of dealing with people, even though he can be manipulative and want his for his own gain. My answer would be A.