The correct answer choices for the question: How is media plagiarism different from academic plagiarism, would be, I. Media plagiarism involves professionals in a public forum, and II. Academic plagiarism involves students in a school setting.
The response comes from understanding what academic plagiarism and media plagiarism are. In academic plagiarism, we have 4 types: direct, self-plagiarism, Mosaic plagiarism and accidental plagiarism. In essence, in academics, plagiarims is defined as the use of any parts, or parts, of a work, that has been written by someone else, or even by the writer himself, without giving credit to the author of the work that was used. In the media, plagiarism is more complex, and can sometimes be misinterpreted. But essentially, plagiarism in the media means the wrongful use of words, images, logos, among other things, without paying attention to the matter of copyright, and previous authorization for it. The selections would be the choices for answer because they explain the people, and the place, where plagiarism for take place in an academic setting, and a media setting.