Behavior that poses a threat to the health of teens today are drugs, smoking, peer pressure, and social media. Drugs are the substance that can ruin person’s life by taking it because it can become their habit and this can cause death to the person taking it. Smoking is a bad habit of many teens around the world this generation, anywhere in the world, teens taking it even though they know it can cause bad in their health. Peer Pressure is the influence of another person in an organization or group who gets encouraged to follow their peers by changing their attitudes, religion, and values to conform to those of the influencing group. Social media can also be a threat to someone healthy because too much-using phones, laptop or gadgets can cause a health risk.
Its motivation is to investigate thoughts regarding equity, ethical quality, fairness, and economic well being in an organized way.
The Veil of Ignorance, a segment of implicit agreement hypothesis, enables us to test thoughts for decency. Behind the Veil of Ignorance, nobody knows what their identity is.
The decision that reasonable people would make in a theoretical circumstance. The motivation behind the veil of ignorance is to keep contractual workers from receiving standards of equity that unjustifiably advantage themselves.
Rawl thinks about the gatherings in the first position as commonly impartial.