Let’s say that you are an art reviewer, and you have been asked to review a show of an artist’s work that you find culturally of
fensive. How do you approach this assignment? Would you refuse to write the review? Would you write it but try to remain neutral? Or would you address the issue directly in the review? Why?
I would approach this assignment by being myself. If it offends me, it probably offends a group of people. I would try to approach but acknowledging that people may not be aware of the problem with the work but then I would state facts to support my claim that it's culturally offensive. I think it is important to address the issue directly because the respect for other people's culture is what makes society function. Moreover, this would allow the readers of my review to be educated in something that they may not know anything about.
look for evidence like time dates witnesses and other evidence like hair blood or others also check the stores cameras and make sure he did not hire anyone.