During high periods of unemployment countries should focus on stimulating investments in the economy. this can be achieved through an expansionary fiscal policy that increases money supply in the economy, through tools such decreased taxation,reduced government borrowing and increased government expenditure.
This is entirely opinionated, but I'll remind you how much tension the Cold War brought. You can answer it either as a citizen or a world leader, I think.
The Cold War brought fear into practically everyone. Everyone was second guessing their friends, families, neighbors, even bosses to being Communist spies. The fear of someone, even in the government, being a spy wreaked havoc in society. Television began broadcasting commercials of what to do if your neighbor is a spy, there were advertisements in the paper, you couldn't go anywhere without being reminded of the Cold War. No Russian was trusted at this time. Not to mention there was the fear of a nuclear attack. There were fallout shelters made in people's homes, schools, and community gathering places. Cartoons were made for children to teach them what they should do if a nuclear warhead were to hit. It was basically Hell.
Basically supporters of the free silver movement thought that bimetallism would help the economy by causing inflation. This would help farmers and others who had too much debt. Allowing bimetallism would have increased the amount of money that existed in the US.
The Civil War occurred from the years of 1861 to 1865. If we are talking about the reelection in 1864, then it means there was only one year left in the Civil War. Therefore, the Civil War was close to ending.
I would say false since I believe that it united opposing the federalist claim.