Principles of Geology
J. Henslow gifted Darwin the first volume of Principles of Geology, written by Charles Lyell. The book explains about the old age of the earth. Accordingly, the slow rate of several geological processes suggests that the earth is very old.
Darwin read the book as the ship was crossing the Atlantic and learned about geological processes occurring over the millions of years. For example, he learned that the earth's surface was not formed by some catastrophic event.
In his book, Lyell explained the slow and gradual geological processes like erosion gave rise to the vast landscapes present on the earth's surface.
Darwin compared the time taken by geological processes to form the earth's surface and reasoned if these millions of years were enough to support the evolution of species.
Asexual reproduction is not as widespreaded in animals as it is in plants.
Well , I think the answer is B
This represents a closed system,and one benifit is that the risk of passing disease between other species is lower than in open system
But still I prefer you to check it out in your book
The protein structures can be classified into four levels, namely the primary structure, secondary structure, tertiary structure, and quaternary structure. The primary structure is the simplest of all the structures. When all the hydrogen bonds are disrupted, the secondary, tertiary and the quaternary structures gets disrupted, which leads the protein to the most simplest structural form, that is the primary structure. In this structure, the a carbon atom is bonded to hydrogen atom, carboxyl group, amino group, and an 'R' group.
Lithosphere (or geosphere) describes all the rocks, minerals and molten magma found on or in the Earth
The hydrosphere describes all the water on Earth – including liquid water (oceans, etc.) and vapour (precipitation)
The atmosphere describes the layer of gases surrounding the Earth and is divided into sections (stratosphere, etc.)
The biosphere is composed of all the living organisms on the planet (including plants, animals, bacteria, etc.)
The four spheres are interconnected, so human impact on one sphere will potentially effect other spheres
The release of plastic pollution into the oceans (hydrosphere) will impact on marine life (biosphere)
The production and release of CFCs into the atmosphere will effect the impact of UV radiation on the biosphere
The Four Earth Spheres