During the mid 1900s segregation was at its highest and other races believed gender inequality remarks and racial inequality was justification for treating black people like human trash in there own country.
The grass helped keep soil in the ground
The prairie grass spread roots in the earth/dirt and kept it in place and prevented soil/wind erosion. The removal of this grass and introduction of less effective cash crops led to much more soil being eroded and picked up by the wind. This contributed to the dust bowl
The US enhanced their army draft, The USFA(United States Food Administration) became the biggest supplier of food
“He did not have the political support that Lincoln had” best describes President Johnson influence during reconstruction
Johnson is known to have some influence over the Republicans but not over the Democrats. Similarly he is known to have some influence over the House of Representatives and not over the Senate.
However he was more influential when compared with his predecessor, but he did not possess the required support when compared with Abraham Lincoln. He implemented a plan in which the whites at the south had more authority in implementing the plans related to reconstruction.