panish influenza killed 40-50 million people in 1918.
Asian influenza killed 2 million people in 1957.
Hong Kong influenza killed 1 million people in 1968.
1969 - 1973 president richard m. nixon
Explanation assumed responsibility for the vietnam war as he swore the oath of office on january 20, 1969 . he knew that ending this war honorably was essential to his success in the presidency.
The answer would be yes. Modern democracy has the Athenians and Pericles to thank for bringing the ideas to fruition.
What arguments could be made for removing the dictator?
Arguments for removing the dictator are: allowing the country to establish a democracy. Helping out or improving the situation of those demographic groups that were oppressed by the dictator. Another argument is simply punishing the dictator for his crimes.
What arguments could be made for keeping the dictator in power?
The main argument for keeping the dictator is to ensure the stability of the country, even if such stability is unfair at many times, and comes along with the oppresion of certain social and political groups.
Another argument is simply to prevent the country from getting worse.
A final argument is pragmatic: keeping the dictator in power might serve everyone's interests better. Democratic countries have frequently established ties with authoritarian governments.