<em>Bonjour ! </em>
<em>César </em>"se réveille" <em>très tôt le matin pour aller travailler.</em>
C. Se réveille
<em>Verbe "se réveiller" au présent : </em>
je me réveille
tu te réveilles
<em>il</em>, elle, on <em>se réveille (César = il)</em>
nous nous réveillons
vous vous réveillez
ils, elles se réveillent
I think c is correct ..........
Well, this is not an easy question, as it's hard to say what " practically noone" means.
In Cote D'Ivore, most people are either Muslim or Christian, so it's definitely true that most people are not practicing traditional religions.
However, an estimated 3-10 percent of the population still practices traditional religions and some fuse elements of traditional religions with Christianity or Islam.
So I would judge the statement as "false" that "practically noone" - since some people do!
The answer will be gentille because your talking about your grandma. Therefore, your answer will be feminine and singular since your talking about only one person.
Hope that helped!
Ce sont d'autres accusations fausses.