The electoral college selected George Washington unanimously. John Adams was the vice-president as the runner-up this time getting the vote of a majority of electors.
Answer: Cowry shells are believed to have been the earliest form of currency used in Central China, and were used during the Neolithic period. Around 210 BC, the first emperor of China Qin Shi Huang (260–210 BC) abolished all other forms of local currency and introduced a uniform copper coin.
Royal absolutism is not an essential element of the English political tradition. However, limits to the power of the king, differing levels of representation, and protection of certain rights have been found in English political tradition.
Bill Clinton was Impeached. George Bush was fit to be president. There is millions of possibles i need more deatils
It was "Karl Marx" who called for a proletarian revolution to overthrow the bourgeoisie and establish a classless society, since Marx felt that capitalism was an exploitative and extractive institution that was inherently unfair to working-class people.