who is that?? I dont know who is that
beber: bebes
comer: comes
the question is asking about you (tú) so use those conjugations to complete the sentence
aqui hay algunas palabras con las que puedes utilizar estamos,estudiamos, practicamos, aprendemos, emmm ya no tengo mas
Answer: spanish
Usted debe traer mucha agua contigo cuando caminas por la jungla. Usted tiene que tener cuidado con losmosquitos. Entonces usted debe echarte repelente de mosquitos antes de ir de aventuras. Hay cientos de animales interesantes en la jungla. Mis favoritos fueron los monos y los jaguares. Usted debe estar concentrado porque los animales son peligrosos
Explanation: english
You must bring lots of water with you when you walk through the jungle. You have to be careful with mosquitoes. Then you should apply mosquito repellent before going on adventures. There are hundreds of interesting animals in the jungle. My favorites were the monkeys and jaguars. You must be focused because animals are dangerous