This verse means that if there is something in a person's life that causes the person to sin or sway from the will of God, the person should let it go, even if it seems difficult. The difficulty or the pain in letting go of that sin is what is compared to gouging the eye out and throwing it away. It will be very painful to gouge out your eye. So it is better to let go of that sin which is so pleasing, suffer on earth for a short time and enjoy in heaven eternally than to stay in that sin, enjoy on earth for a short time and burn in hell eternally.
Fifth Amendment
Eminent domain refers to the power of the government to take private property and convert it into public use. However the Fifth Amendment to the Constitution prohibits the government from taking a private property without due compensation to the owner
The term Dual Federalism refers to the political system through which a federalism is established where both the Federal State and the local States divide powers and limit each other with respect to their functions, each exercising their own and without getting involved in the other's.
For its part, the term Cooperative Federalism refers to the federalist political system by which the Federal State and the local States have a differentiation in terms of their levels of performance, but not in terms of their tasks, with which they cooperate with each other to compliance with government objectives.
Personally, I believe that cooperative federalism is more effective, as both spheres of government deal with similar issues, and control each other through a co-participatory and non-restrictive regime as in the case of dual federalism.
By promising ALL citizens basic rights in the First Amendment such as freedom of speech, of press, of religion, and of assembly as opposed to having those rights dictated by a king. Also by guaranteeing that any powers not specifically stated in the document are given to the states and the people, as opposed to having one ruler decide all.