Large numbers of skilled workers left Iran in the early 21st century, primarily because "<span>c. they sought more skilled opportunities in countries like the United States," since there were far fewer restrictions in the US. </span>
Place of Prosecution and Trial
Indians- india virtually clothes the entire world, cotton textiles, mathematics, numerals, and invention of zero.
Malays- most intrepid sailors of the time period, many delivered goods from South China to East Africa, spices cloves ,nutmeg, & mace.
Chinese- champa rice, printing, gunpowder, Daoism, Buddhism, compass, silk improved in india, middle east, north africa and islamic spain. Discovering a silver mine as well as gold.
The correct answer is:
Where survivors of the Holocaust could live.
In 1947, the United Nations helped create the state of Israel. Palestine was divided with the consent of Great Britain (which controlled Palestine) into a place for Arabs, and a place for Jews (Holocaust survivors). The partition plan was passed in 1947 on the United Nations General Assembly because the countries had sympathy for the suffering of Jews during World War II.
Answer:When we think of the great scientists and mathematicians of the ancient world, who have contributed greatly to today's inventions and researches, who could forget Archimedes.
In the hearts and minds of scientists Archimedes occupies the same respectable position as Newton and Gauss. In his ancient Greek days he was known as the "the wise one," "the master" and "the great geometer". His works such as the "Death Ray" gained him popularity and fame that lasts till this day. He was one of the last great Greek mathematicians.