They create a happy mood because of their vibrant color.
They represent things that people put in their lives to make it more beautiful and bearable.
Governments can't decide the price of goods, the salaries for employees in private industries (unless it's the minimum wage), and what brands are allowed to be produced. However, they do decide how to fund other government industries, so the answer is B.
Material things will never bring happiness to any home even though I will live in a world controlled by material things; however, even with the excess of the material, there will be no contentment. The genuine feel of happiness comes from a family with love and care.
Most people run to materials things forgetting that it is not the sole bearer of happiness. Some people go as far as sacrificing their loved ones because of material possessions. According to Mrs. March, wealth is happiness that is contented.
Thomas Eliot works multiple themes in the poem, however in general, his usage of imagery mainly represents ageing and decay. In the lines "When the evening is spread out against the sky / Like a patient etherized upon a table", the phrases like "sawdust restaurants" and "cheap hotels," the yellow fog, and the afternoon "Asleep...tired... or it malingers", represent decay. The character's concerns about his hair and teeth which is mentioned in the lines "Combing the white hair of the waves blown back / When the wind blows the water white and black," show the problems about aging.