In the Metamorphosis, Kafka makes it evident that Gregor endures a hellish existence as a bug. He works hard all the time, doesn't really have any kind of life, besides providing for his family and being very depressed, so when he is turned into a cockroach, his whole life turns upside down.
Today I will live my memory, tomorrow more memories will come. As time passes, memories aren't easy to remember, it doesn't take space, and it's only in one place, which is the pass. Memory is what we saw, but not see anymore.</em>
The correct answer is: Present or past tense.
The different pronunciations of the word "read" serve to differentiate its verbal tense.
Even though the word is written as "read" in both the present and the past, it is pronounced differently.
If it refers to the present it is read as /riːd/ whereas if it refers to the past it is read as /red/
1. float, boat
2. fall, ball
3. well, shell
A person can think however they want. Actions, like many have said, define a person in the end. Someone can advocate for peace with malicious intent, but they will still likely be remembered for advocating peace and not for their impure motivations. If these contradicting images are revealed to the public, that is still an act against that person, and is no longer a thought.
However, this is only from the public's view. When it comes to people, they may as well be the embodiment of their thoughts. Everything is fueled by something. The same person who seeds their own goals under the guise of peace will not think of themselves as one who acts with the intentions of bringing peace. They will be looking to call forth whatever it is that they want, and be aware that what they present to the public is not the truth.
So, both points are arguable. It depends on whether you value the individual or the community. Actions are what are remembered, and thoughts are a person's reason. Even today, this comes into relevancy because people want to know why certain figures in history did what they did. Thoughts make a person human, after all. Without thought, seperation of man and beast would be nigh impossible. Without action, man would have been left behind long ago. Both thought and action are important indeed.