a chanted vocal music form of an epic about heroes and their adventures is C.)Tultul
Звідки вони походять і як вони йдуть від незрозумілих до офіційних? По-перше, нові слова повинні циркулювати в культурі, щоб внести його в словник. Їх потрібно використовувати і розуміти. Слова мають набагато більше шансів отримати додані до словника, якщо ви бачите їх у пресі або чуєте їх у розмові.
Я сподівався, що це допомогло!
I honestly can't tell if you're joking or not...
I think the correct answer to that question is three
Read the text. Indicate imperfective verbs.
I was returning home after a long walk along the seashore. I walked quickly along
street. The moon shone incredibly bright, large radiant stars were moving
in the dark blue sky, black shadows were sharply separated from the illuminated ground. From both
the sides of the street were lined with stone fences of gardens; orange trees raised
above them their own crooked branches; golden balls of heavy fruits were sometimes barely visible, sometimes
they glowed brightly ... Flowers glowed tenderly on many trees. I walked ... (According to I. Turgenev).
Try to continue the text.