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The poem Cherry Tree is about the ecstasy of the poet over a plant which he has seeded eight years ago.It was a seed of cherry tree which took eight years to grow. In the poem, Ruskin Bond expresses his wonder at the nature works hard to survive in difficult conditions against all odds.Eight years ago, the poet planted a cherry seed because he wanted to have a plant of his own. The young poet used to water it daily but he was unaware of the fact that cherry plant needs extra special care to grow into a healthy tree. Inspite of getting any special attention, by the end of May, the poet saw the small cherry sapling coming out of the ground. It was a very small plant, young and fragile, vulnerable to all kinds of external dangers.
Answer: Dickens successfully changed the way Christmas is celebrated.
“Before A Christmas Carol, you’d never ask questions about the meaning of Christmas, and we now ask it all the time,”. “I think that’s because of what Dickens’ book suggests. It has this magical idea that in spite of all our differences, we can make something good happen — something which, in this day and age, it’s important to remind ourselves of.”
1. The Pope thinks Faustus is a ghost.
Faustus and Mephastophilis have become invisible and they came to the Pope to play tricks on him. They started flinging the dishes around the room and the Pope and his friars got scared and though there is a ghost in the room, which is why he started crossing himself.
2. Faustus tells the Pope to stop crossing himself because the sign of the cross has no effect on Faustus.
Faustus realizes that religion is a fraud, especially when he didn't see God or knows of his existence, whereas the Devil is next to him playing tricks on mortals and taking their souls. He isn't frightened or offended by those symbols - he just knows that they are future and have no effect whatsoever.