first one is minor. minor is often just paid down by money, speeding is a minor crime
second is major, major is often paid down with prison time.
Third is felony, felony is the most extreme, murder is an example of a felony. Felony is often jail time for over 5 years
The French Revolution was a timeframe in France when the individuals toppled the government and assumed responsibility for the administration. When did it occur? The French Revolution kept going 10 years from 1789 to 1799. It started on July 14, 1789 when progressives raged a jail called the Bastille.
Women's roles changed in society because during the late 1800s and 1900s, women not only fought for the right to vote, but they also worked towards attaining social reform to increase gender equality. Female roles were one of the most drastic changes of any cultural, ethnic or gender group. They also began to work industrial jobs during the Progressive Era.