Answer: the structure and role of the judicial branch.
Article III of the Constitution establishes the role of the judicial branch of the federal government and how it is structured. This article grants the judicial power of the government to the Supreme Court and allows inferior courts that Congress may create from time to time. Article III explains the powers and what is considered as treason.
each colony ensured that its citizens would be represented in the british parliament.
The cost of running such programs are way too expensive.
Evidence of attacks have been found
All three revolutions served to decrease monarchical authority.
All three revolutions allowed for bigger citizen participation in politics.
All three revolutions gave more rights to their citizens.
Decrease of monarchical powers:
The glorious revolution only severely reduced the power of the monarch, whereas the other two (French and American revolutions) effectively removed the monarch.
The Glorious revolution and French revolution led to immediate change, whereas the American revolution only led to an institutional change. Women were still considered property of men, and only rich white male land-owners could vote in the new American Republic.