Judge Miller has a gigantic home and a lot of property. He likewise claims a wonderful puppy named Buck. Buck is the ruler of this property and can wander however he sees fit. He is petted, nourished, prepped, and treated like the adored and treasured pooch that he is. He has the life of a spoiled canine who can chase, eat, rest, or play as he wishes. He had all that he could need until the point that he was stolen from his home and sold into imprisonment.
After a time, a Cyclops, whose name was Polyphemus<span>, returned to the cave. Leading his flock of giant sheep into the cave, he rolled a huge stone against the mouth of the cave to close the entrance. ... This time </span>Odysseus<span> spoke up, and offered the Cyclops some strong wine he had brought with him.</span>
Calpurnia is being motherly, taking the kids to church after washing them the night before, making sure they were dressed and ready to go to church that day, protecting them from a criticizing negro woman.
Discrimination in work places/ school. Passing laws that black children cannot wear their natural hair in its natural state because it it seen as too distractive or unprofessional and untamed. Also making rules that black girls cannot wear braids because they “aren’t professional”. Cutting dreads out of little black boys hair because they “aren’t appropriate” or telling them they can’t walk across the stage to receive their diploma unless they cut their dreads off
1. What’s the geography the kingdom is in?
2. What’s the Language(s) of the kingdom?
3. What’s the fashion of the kingdom?
4. What’s the type of ruler(s) the kingdom has?
Keep in mind these are just ideas for characteristics