There are many advocates in favor of and many against the idea of paying athletes who play sports for their college or university. We’ve got a breakdown of the pros and cons. The pros list the arguments for why college athletes should be paid and the cons list the arguments for why college athletes should not be paid. Athletic scholarships are their compensation and a fair one at that. Essentially they receive a free education and in return they represent the school in a certain sport. College athletes don’t have to worry about student loans, paying for textbooks, the cost of on-campus living, and meal plans.According to Institute For College Access & Success, in the state of Pennsylvania 71 percent of students leave a public four-year institution or private non-profit four-year institution in debt. The average debt is $32,528. That is an enormous burden for kids who may, or may not have a job awaiting them upon graduation.
No, people who download music/movies illegally should not be punished. It’s completely free for someone to go on YouTube and watch a music video, so why can’t they have it on their computer for free too? Well the real answer is, there isn’t one. Anyone can search the web to watch/listen to pretty much any movie or song for free. Being able to watch it for free, but not download it for free seems a little ridiculous doesn’t it. Also if you think about it, downloading it off the Internet is almost exactly like recording a TV show or movie from your cable box. <span>This act should definitely be illegal, and is already frowned upon. It’s taking someone else’s work and selling it for profit. But as many people have said, “Why should I get it here for money, when I can get it here for free?” If you saw a TV for $499 and saw the exact same TV for free (not a scam).</span>
I think the voting age should stay as it is. At age 16 you're still figuring out who you are, and what you believe in. Many people also have worries that parents would try to manipulate their kids into voting for a specific party.
The beginning of Act 2, Scene 2, is set in the Capulet's orchard where Romeo has escaped from his friends after the Capulet party in hopes of seeing Juliet. While he is hidden in the orchard, Juliet comes to the balcony and, thinking she is alone, professes her love to Romeo.The balcony scene is sooo romantic in a way that it does influence the audience in a way of telling them about the passionate Romeo and Juliet.Romeo and Juliet are so passionate, the way that they have just left everything/everyone behind and gone for their love. It tells the audience that something is impetuous there. Like they really wanted to express there feelings for each other
. But they are confused on there relationship because they are on different color teamsIt's sneaky. Romeo trips upon Juliet talking about how she feels about Romeo and then he gets nervous: Shall I hear more or shall I speak at this? Once he reveals his location, they are in it together. About 5 times, Juliet shares her fear of Romeo getting caught for being there; no doubt she's concerned for her association with him as well. Of course love is the central agenda of their discussion, but the growing secrecy and sneakiness evolve as she hears the nurse calling and as they make a plan for when they are going to see each other again.When Romeo sees Juliet at her window he falls in love with her enchanting beauty. The scene takes place in the dark night. Romeo says the words in praise of Juliet. He says that Juliet's beauty is like a bright sun which has the power to transform the darkness of the night into daylight. He personifies the moon to be “sick and pale with grief” because of the brightness of Juliet as a sun. The motif of light and dark is prevalent throughout the play. The balcony scene shows the tragic flaw between the two lovers Romeo and Juliet. This influences or shows how the young lover’s death are lead up to. How there deaths came to be.
(I didn't count the words)
I think it’s C, he felt a sense of threat and loss that many Africans faced when the empire invaded and disrupted their lives.