<span><span>Here you go :)
1. Lucy is arriving ON February the 13th AT eight o'clock.</span><span>
2. The
weather is often terrible in* London IN January.
3. If
you out alone AT night.
4. She
got married IN September.
They usually go to the south of France IN/FOR the summer.
6. Columbus
sailed to the America IN the 16th century.
7. The
Beatles were popular IN the 1960s.
8. I
graduated from University IN 2001.
Where's Julie? She is AT school.
England is famous FOR its rainy weather.
Julie is very different FROM her sister.
Are you pleased WITH your new house?
13. He
isn't afraid OF anything.
14. He
isn't really interested IN getting married.
Who is James married TO ?
Lucy is extremely good AT languages.
17. English
cheese is very different FROM French cheese.
18. My
flatmate listens to a lot OF jazz.
Who does that house belong TO ?
<span>20. A
policeman explained TO the children why they should never run across the road.</span></span></span>
If u agree, start with:
I agree with the film that love is not permanent because....
If u disagree, say:
Despite, what the film is portraying, I disagree. I believe that love is likely to be permanent because....
There is no systematic research only bits and pieces. Animal researchers have determined that some animals have a sense of justice (some monkey species will reject a treat if they see you give a better treat to another monkey), feel love and jealousy (dogs; the former from brain scan proof), feel anger, target specific humans for revenge (some birds), and thus that moral sense evolved.
Brain scans on humans making ethical choices in conditions of ethical conflict show that two brain regions, one akin to disgust and one to caluclating effects, are involved; people with brain injuries to the former (and psychopaths) calculate only using the latter. (Look up “the Trolley Hypothetical” online).
Earlier research about the stages of moral development have been debunked. Lawrence Kohlberg's stages of moral development - Wikipedia
Essentially anything affecting the human brain and human decision-making and human personality can also affect moral reasoning and the behavior choices related to it. Thus studies of criminals have shown that each additional bad thing increases the risk of later criminality, including being rejected by your Mom at birth, a difficult birth, Mom’s pre-natal drug/alcohol use, drug/alcohol abuse in the home, being a victim of or seeing violence, malnutrition, etc. Thus moral choices can have many influences.
You would compare them, then pick out the differences. because youre looking for the differences in 2 things.