there were a lot of opportunities for jobs in urban areas, especially when big businesses started to come along, and demand for more educated/experienced workers declined.
hope this helps! :)
The thing that caused the Indian removal act was the fact that "In 1828 Andrew Jackson was elected president of the United States, and he immediately declared the removal of eastern tribes a national objective. In 1830 Congress passed the Indian Removal Act, which authorized the president to negotiate removal treaties.Jul 23, 2018
Cherokee Removal | New Georgia Encyclopedia "
trading, weaving, making basket, making useful tool
Relating to an established set of principles governing a state
The concept of 'Western Bias' is the Eurocentric perspective of the west towards other continents such as Africa where in the western view they tend to feel as a more superior race thus creating a bias on how they view the continent. The idea developed due to the historical, political, and military dominance of the West. This was exemplified by historical writers and western philosophies such as Hobbes, and Machiavelli who developed concepts of realism while Locke & Smith developed liberalism.