According to the transactional model of communication,<u> </u><u>C.</u><u> the </u><u>channel </u><u>through which they transmit messages</u> is what influences more the message of the participants.
Having a face to face conversation is not the same as talking on the phone or messaging, so communication channels can interfere in the way a receiver understands the message of the sender. Their experiences and knowledge can also influence in the process of communication but that can vary depending on every sender and receiver.
You can find <u>more information</u> about the <u>transactional model of communication</u> in the following link
Compunere – Primăvara
Se aud glasurile duioase ale păsărelelor. Își vestesc una alteia bucuria venirii primăverii. Zboară de pe un ram pe altul, căutând-și cuibul. Pomii, stropiți cu flori plăpânde își lasă crengile purtate de adierea blândă a vântului. Razele domoale ale soarelelui mângâie primii muguri ce dau să pocnească și își scot la iveală verdele crud, iar firul ierbii se frânge sub greutatea picăturilor de rouă.
Eu começaria sendo simpático e respeitoso e diria "Oi, mãe e pai. Eu trabalhei muito e acho que mereço um carro novo". Ou você pode comprar seu próprio carro.
I would start off by being nice and respectful and say" Hi mom and dad. I have worked really hard and i think i deserve a new car". Or you can buy your own car.
29 June. 2015
The Headmaster,
Saint Gragory High School,
Subject: Application for arranging a debate competition in the school.
I, on behalf of the students of class six on your school, have the honor to state that there in no debating is ever being held in our school. But we feel that debating is important to develop our skill of speaking. It helps us to broaden our outlook and develop our ability to gather knowledge from various sides around us. It also helps us to be prepared for the future leadership.
Under the above circumstances, I would like to request you to take necessary steps to arrange a debate competitions in our school and oblige thereby.
Yours obediently
On behalf of the students of class ten.