Causes of Stress
Being unhappy in your job.
Having a heavy workload or too much responsibility.
Working long hours.
Having poor management, unclear expectations of your work, or no say in the decision-making process.
Working under dangerous conditions.
Being insecure about your chance for advancement or risk of termination.
A subroutine is a block of statements that carries out one or more tasks. ... they share all variables with the rest of the main program. ... Once you have defined a function in your program, you may use it in any appropriate expression, such as: ... Thus, functions can- not change the values of the arguments passed to them.
Types in java are divided into two categories. the primitive types are boolean, byte, char, short, not, long, float, and double. all other types are REFERENCE types
All of Given
The throw keywords can be used to throw any Throwable object. The syntax is :
throw <Throwable instance>
Note that Error and Exception are subclasses of Throwable while RuntimeException is a subclass of Exception. So the hierarchy is as follows:
-- Error
-- Exception
-- RuntimeException
And all of these are valid throwable entities. As a result "All of Given" is the most appropriate option for this question.
The answer is creators.
<em>Creators are contributors capable to inovate and share creative ideas. They are not necessarily advertising and marketing professionals. They can have art, design, music, and other backgrounds, but the most relevant characteristic of this group of people is their creativity.</em>
<em>They are behind all the great ideas we see at the most relevant social medias nowadays.</em>