“Indolent people! How diverse your luck would be today if you knew the price of freedom?” These powerful words, translated from Spanish, were passionately uttered during the last moments of Policarpa Salavarrieta’s life, Colombia’s most renowned heroine.
What does this even mean??????
My friend is her
The first class ends at 9:30 in the morning
He likes dresses and shoes
make this esier to pronunce
Who is her?
mas means more
menos means less
you can use them to compare two things or people eg. ciara es mas alta que alex. ciara is more taller than alex. always remember that mas+ the adjective+ que.
same for menos eg. ciara es menos inteligente que tu. ciara is less intelligent than you, menos+adjective+que
Si me pongo los lentes de contactos todos los dias