To get rid of... so like, purging when you're referring to the eating disorder would be to make yourself throw up or just get rid of the fat. When people say purge it usually has a negative meaning, as well
I think that society would have less ridiculous beauty standards. And I think people would become more humble towards each other; if we see ourselves less, we think less about our looks. We look to the less superficial aspects of life. Hope this helps, I'd write more, but I wouldn't want to rant ;)
Women go through many difficult things that men have no idea the feelings of. Women have to go through periods and the ability to be pregnant whereas men only have to deal with their penis which isn't really much of a "difficulty" compared to what women have to go through.
3 because a lot of the people where poor in the book (I have read it my self)
And a lot of the villains had Oliver steal and the where just humiliating them selve hope this helps ;))))))
I wouldn't use the word "discovered" it just seems a bit off. I'd rewrite the sentence with a simpler word yet easy to say and understand: "When we searched the school for damage, a new broken window was found." I hope this helps you. My apologies if this is incorrect.