Superiority Theory is when you laugh at someone else’s expense. You are making fun of them because you feel superior to them.
Release Theory is you laugh to release nervous energy.
Incongruity Theory is a joke that a comedian would use. “The most common kind of joke is that in which we expect one thing and another is said; here our own disappointed expectation makes us laugh.”
She secretly warns people of possible evil is by Sending mail
When many of the guests stayed late into the evening
a. will race
The verb phrase in the statement above is "will race". In order to better understand what verb phrase is, one must have a clear understanding of what is a verb and what is a phrase. A verb phrase can be the sentence's predicate or a clause. The predicate is the part of the sentence that tells what the subject is doing. A verb phrase sometimes serves as an adjective or adverb complete with a verb, the complements and others.
Title : Eiffel Tower
A buisness man bursts in through the door to his family in chicago happy as ever. To them this is something ordinary as he is happy when he gets off work but to him its something a lot bigger. He explains to them that he's going on a buisness trip and could make his family millions. (Two week cut) Two weeks later and the man is finally about to leave chicago he says his goodbyes to his family and leaves. as he arrives in france he start heading to the meeting place in a cab. he arrived, next to the eiffel tower in all its glory. The man meets with the other buisness men but to the mans suprise they are goblins who've been living under the eiffel tower. The man starts panicking thinking he's being punished for never spending time with his family but the goblins think otherwise. they want to trade millions of dollars to the buisness man so he could tell the world they exist, in the end he agrees. (Two year cut) Finally after all those years goblins and humans co-live with one another.