Parents have many responsibilities to their children, these responsibility must be taken seriously in order to keep the children in the right path. The parental responsibility that I will personally found very interesting is teaching my children how to do different stuffs. Like teaching them cook different dishes and cookies or teaching them to play different games or teaching them funny tricks in mathematics.
Accordingly, the introductory physics laboratories have the following purposes and goals:
1. To provide an experimental foundation for the theoretical concepts introduced in the lectures. It is important that students have an opportunity to verify some of the ideas for themselves.
2. To familiarize students with experimental apparatus, the scientific method, and methods of data analysis so that they will have some idea of the inductive process by which the ideas were originated. To teach how to make careful experimental observations and how to think about and draw conclusions from such data.
3. To introduce the methods used for estimating and dealing with experimental uncertainties, including simple ideas in probability theory and the distinctions between random (statistical) and systematic "errors." This is essential in understanding what valid conclusions can be deduced from experimental data and that, properly obtained, these conclusions are valid, notwithstanding the uncertainty of the data.
Blood goes from small intestine to the liver in order to remove toxic substances and store the nutrients. After that, the blood is sent to all parts of the body.
Liver is an important organ of the body which is responsible for the purification of blood coming from the small intestine and then it send to all organs of the body. This blood contains nutrients which is absorbed in the small intestines and some toxic substances which is purify by liver.