The purpose of this test is simply to estimate your initial knowledge.
Which word correctly completes this sentence?
The word is : <em>plus</em>
Ce magasin de vêtements a la _<em>plus</em>___ belle collection de chapeaux.
~It was nice to help you, Weeblordd!
Answer: The directions are to write the infinitive of the verb in the example, then the root (or base) that will be used for the conditional present, then conjugate: write the conditional form that matches with the pronoun in the example
example infinitive racine conjugué
tu voulais vouloir voudr tu voudrais
elles peuvent pouvoir pourr elles pourraient
je fais faire fer je ferais
elle sera être ser elle serait
vous saviez savior saur vous sauriez
nous vennons venir viendr nous viendrons
tu as avoir aur tu auras
ils doivent devior devr ils devraient
j'allais aller aur j'aurais
il faut falloir faudr il faudrait
je prendrais tu préférerais nous finirons
vous attendeiez elles aimeraient il sentirait
Who is studying? - Anne et Slyvie
Who is eating? - Madame Martin, and Monsleur Laurent
Who is arriving? - Andre
Who is meeting Dlder - Andre
Vocab words in english:
arriver - to arrive
etudiar - to study
partager - to share
chercher - to look for
manger - to eat
recontrer - to meet
dessiner - to design
oublier - to forget
Hope this helped!
I think you should translate it to english if you translate i think i can help you or others can help you too.