The primary problem that socialist thinkers wanted to solve was the problem associated with capitalism--primarily that it seemed like wealth was being consolidated at the top of the income class, and that the workers were not able to advance economically in society.
To resolve the dispute between free and slave states, each slave was counted as less than one free person for purposes of both taxation and representation.
The collectivization is a process through which there's forced consolidation of the individual peasant households into collective farms. Basically, this was a process in which the people that were more capable, hard working, managed to prosper in life and have larger pieces of land, were forced to give their land to the others and all together to work on it and own it in a way, with everyone having an equal share. This was going to the advantage of the people that were lazier, were not very smart, and din't really had any chance of prospering in normal circumstances. This process led to destroying the capable people in the communist countries, which led to major economic problems, especially when it came to the agriculture, so very often there was lack of food.
After a case has been granted certiorari which is when four Justices agree to review a case it is then the justices may decide against further review of the case. They can review a case an decide to dismiss it if Court may feel the case presented during oral arguments did not present the constitutional issues in a clear-cut way. In this event the writ of certiorari is "dismissed as improvidently granted" (DIG)—saying, in effect that the Court should not have accepted the case. Harsh right XD
The Supreme Court accepts 100-150 of the more than 7,000 cases that it is asked to review each year. - Us courts website claims this number
The Supreme Court ruled that the institution of slavery was illegal