Women would go and gather as well as children, women would take care of the house holds, men were the hunters, had to relocate accordingly
The U.S. Supreme Court case Marbury v. Madison (1803) established the principle of judicial review—the power of the federal courts to declare legislative and executive acts unconstitutional. The unanimous opinion was written by Chief Justice John Marshall.
In 1792, the National Convention abolished the French monarchy and established a republic.
Hope this helps you!
For Christians, Jesus was crucified in Jerusalem. For Muslims, the first thing in that there is a mosque there that is considered 3rd holiest place in the world to them. The second thing is that and there is a thing called the Shrine of the Dome of the Rocks which is the place that Muslims believe that Muhammed ascended into heaven. And for Jewish people, there is this thing called Kotel, or "western wall" where they believe was the foundation block of the Earth and also the closest they can pray to the holiest of the holiest.
Confederate army won the battle of chickamauga by spreading the false information that Confederate General Braxton Bragg was retreating. This false information drove the Union Army of the Cumberland back into Chattanooga, Tennessee, from Chickamauga Creek where, after days of battle, Confederates were victorious.