The great task described in the gettysburg address was to rid the nation of slavery and unite america once agian
The Pakistani military have accused Afghanistan of sheltering various terrorist groups which launch attacks into Pakistan, while Afghan authorities have blamed Pakistan's intelligence agency, the ISI, for funding warlords and the Taliban, and for basing terrorist camps within Pakistani territory to target Afghanistan.
The Preamble, The Declaration of National Rights, the list of Grievances, and the Resolution of Independence.
The Preamble of the Declaration of Independence explains why the colonists are writing the Declaration of Independence. The Declaration of Natural Rights lists the God-given rights of all men. The List of Grievances contains all the colonists' objections to the British government. The Resolution of Independence officially declares the independence of the colonies.
D. She was an advocate for birth control.
Margaret Sanger was the founder of the birth control movement in the United States. Sanger founded the American Birth Control League, which in 1942 became the Planned Parenthood Federation of America.
Lincoln argued that the suspension was necessary to defeat the institution of slavery.