If there’s supposed to be an attachment there isn’t, but this question out of context is quite simple.
Agreement is a mixture of both parties stating their needs and wants, and through discussion and compromise. It’s finding a common ground where both parties are happy and satisfied with the outcome.
In 20,000 Leagues under the Sea, the men make the important decision to escape the Nautilus. This decision results in the climax of the story. The building action finally results in a drastic decision that causes major changes, which eventually lead to falling action and resolution.
Answer: C. "Leave my loneliness unbroken! quit the bust above my door! Take thy beak from out my heart, and take thy form from off my door!"
In <em>The Raven</em>, the speaker is dealing with a recent death of Lenore, a woman he loved. One night, he is visited by an unusual guest, the raven that can speak. The raven, however, only utters one word - <em>"Nevemore".</em>
In this excerpt, the speaker is deeply distraught and orders the raven to leave. He wants the bird to return to the storm and leave its perch on the bust of Pallas above his door. The speaker, moreover, wants to be alone and to deal with his loss all by himself. He does not need companion at this point, especially not this supernatural creature that responds to every question with the same, not so promising word.
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Answer + Explanation:
The woods in Tuck Everlasting are <u>mesmerizing and almost magical</u>. <u>There is a somber, muffled quietness in the woods that almost feels claustrophobic.</u> According to the book, it is <em>a sleepy woods</em>, which makes the characters subdued and nervous. This<em> magical quality</em> makes the <em>people fearful of the woods and hesitant about entering</em>. The <em>magic in the trees</em> is presumably because of<em> the spring that runs through it</em>.