Reptile scales are made of alpha and beta keratin and are formed from the epidermis
Answer: a. Dendritic
A dendritic drainage pattern is the most common form and looks like the roots of trees branching pattern. It is a drainage pattern in which streams branch in many directions randomly at different angles as well. It develops in regions that have underlying homogeneous material. This means the subsurface geology has a similar resistance to weathering resulting in no seeming control over the direction the tributaries take. It is produce in streams that receive several tributaries that are fed by smaller ones. Tributaries link up a larger stream at acute angle ( angle less than 90 degrees). It can be indicated when streams flow across horizontally and complex crystalline rock/homogeneous strata help in resisting erosion uniformly.
Animals have four types of cells within their bodies; epithelial, connective, muscle, and bone.
<span>The topography of the Midwest is relatively flat</span><span>
Topography is the shape or configuration of the land, its physical features represented on a map by contour lines, hypsometric tints, and relief shading.
Hope this helped.</span>
Safer community, Job Opportunities, Better Schools,
1. Safer Communities: One is most likely live where they are if it isn't safe, be it physically, mentally or health-wise.
2. Job Opportunities: If for any reason one's place of work is quite far, that could be a reason why one would move.
3. Better Schools: If the quality of schools isn't good where someone lives, or if one has gotten the opportunity to go to a very good school, they would most likely move to take the chance.
4. Inability to maintain place of living: I f someone has found their home to expensive or has seen the price overtime to be "good for nothing" they are likely to find a better place of living.
5. Maintenance Issues: If your house is infested or various part of the house keep breaking sown, one would find it easier to move than to fix it