Bridge to Terabithia
It is a very well written book I read in 4th grade! but if you want a longer book i recommend "They Both Die at the End" by Adam Silvera.
it helps you read for accurate and quickly with an expression added on to it
Once upon a time when I was a discussion with a colleague over what to eat I referred to things she said at an earlier time to help my case. By debating in class, I learned new things based on history and used that knowledge to further support my answer.
One thing should always be in your mind is your listening power. If you cant listen to your partner you can't learn.
You think you did super good and it was easy but then you get a 60
B. If you don't know, ask. You are onlya fool until you learn. If you don't ask,you remain a fool.
this follows the theme that you only remain a fool for a moment until you ask and learn. Once you learn you are not longer foolish in that manner but if you do not ask then you will forever more remain a fool because you will never learn.