Even though it was getting late
Apex Prospero forces Caliban to do physical labor, while he has Ariel perform magic for him.
D /make it new they are all about modern ways
1st person narrator, 2nd person narrator, 3rd person narrator.
1st person narrator being a character in the story narrating as they experience it. such as you would tell your mom how you just bought a car, or got gas for the lawn mower. The pronouns used are: I, me, we
2nd person narrator is a little more complex, though it's simple in practice and when you understand it. a 2nd person narrator can be anything that the story is talking to you, the viewer. such as choose your own outcome stories, or dungeons and dragons. The pronoun here is mainly just: you (e.g. you walk into the damp, cold room that Jordan had mentioned to you outside)
3rd person narrators are generally outside of the story, but still talking the viewer through the story without talking to them specifically. The pronouns used here are They, he, she
A Struggle between a literary or dramatic character and an outside force such as nature or another character, which drives the dramatic action of the plot external conflict. Which is mostly in the "Rising Action" in most stories efore the climax comes.