Makes the reader wonder what "doesn't love a wall."
Answer: Option 1.
This line has been taken from the poem "Mending wall". In the line The fact that the speaker does not specify what, precisely, is the "Something" that "sends the frozen-ground-swell" under the fence could mean that the word something refers to nature, as another educator suggested, or even God. The word "sends" in line two implies that the sender has a will, a conscious purpose, so it seems logical to consider the possibility we should attribute such a sending to a higher being.
Further, in the lines which follow the first two, this "Something" also "spills" the big rocks from the top of the fence out into the sun and "makes gaps" in the fence where two grown men can walk through, side by side (lines 3, 4). These verbs are also active, like "sends," and imply reason and purpose to the one who performs the actions. Therefore, it is plausible that the "Something" which sends "the frozen-ground-swell"—freezing the water in the ground so that the ground literally swells and bursts the fence with the movement—"spills boulders," and "makes gaps" refers to God.
D. A place is concise red a desert if it gets less than 10 inches of rain per year
I would say express a complete thought
<span>Originally Published in 1978, this special twenty-fifth-anniversary edition of the National Book Award finalist includes an entirely new afterword in which the author considers the current state of knowledge about wolves and recent efforts to rein-troduce wolves to their former habitats in American wilderness areas. Humankind's relationship with the wolf is based on a spectrum of responses running from fear to admiration and affection. Lopez's classic, careful study won praise from a wide range of reviewers and went on to improve the way books about wild animals are written. Of Wolves and Men reveals the uneasy interaction between wolves and civilization over the centuries, and the wolf's prominence in our thoughts about wild creatures.</span>
You usually state the other sides argument, you then would state your argument and how it is the most logical solution