I believer the answere is a formula hope this helped
Together We Can Create Digital Systems That Provide Scale, Speed & Enable GrowthCohesive Digital Strategy · Secure IT Infrastructure · Secure Digital Foundation · New Digital EconomyTypes: Digital Business, Digital Operations, Digital Systems, Digital Technology<span>Digital Systems & TechDigital OperationsDigital Business<span>Latest Thinking</span></span>
Answer: The goals of computer security are to protect computers and users from data theft or loss as well as damage to any part of the computer.
Explanation: Common means of achieving computer security are firewalls, anti-virus software and this can fail due to hardware problems or
weaknesses that prevent malicious attacks.
To answer this question, think of a time when you experienced any one of these. For example, personally, I was once an unfortunate victim of a general malicious attack that took advantage of a weakness in my anti-virus software. After clicking on a link on a dodgy website, a virus was installed on my computer. My computer finally crashed, without any hope of restarting it. I lost all my data and I had to buy a new computer. This was a malicious attack.
However, sometimes people can be specifically targeted to steal their data or monitor their activities.
Rootkits are malicious software that allows an unauthorized user to access a computer and restricted areas of software. Rootkits are difficult to detect on your computer because it may be able to subvert there that is intended to find it. Rootkits are created by Black-hat hackers to attack your computer and steal.
Rootkit tools:
1. Keyloggers
2. antivirus disablers
3. password stealers
4. banking credential stealers
5. bots for DDoS attacks