see below
Christians who spend their money on worldly things and do not help those in need are going against God and will get his righteous anger.
The Decleration of Independence does uphold the political principles because with out it or country would still be suffering for the lack of money and freedom because of Europe's greed. For example, imagine the U.S. becoming a country like South Africa. We would be poor and helpless because we would have no independence and the right to agree to trading and developing a economic system in general. So my overall arguement stands to show that I support the Decleration of Independence and that it upholds all of Americans political values.
house of refugee
In 1824, the New York Legislature approved construction of a House of Refuge for juvenile delinquents and discovered the first detention system that separated children from adults.
This metalwork sculpture is an example of Buddhist art in Nepal.
B. Buddhist art in Nepal.