Polygamy is having more than one wife or husband at once, and anarchism is the rejection of the state or any other type of authority when organizing human societies.
Both types of behaviour are frowned upon by our society, to the point that they can be considered taboo. A taboo is an implicit (although sometimes it can be explicit, like through the enactment of a law) prohibition of something, because it is believed that the act goes against the agreed cultural or religious beliefs of a community. Establishing those kind of limits helps communities to be more organized and to have a stronger sense of "belonging." On the other hand, it can isolate those who think differently and cause the community to be closed to new ideas.
As famous as Marco Polo is, he didn't invent anything. However, other inventions such as the compass and the boat influenced Polo. Marco Polo used the compass on all of his travels but especially to reach Asia.
I think its because they are trying there best to keep people like hunters able to legaly hunt but they actauly dont hunt
The allied powers used land as their mail gorund to fight on while the germans used the sea as a sneek attack bc the allied powers didn't see it coming that is how the ussr was sank bc of a surpisre attack from the Germans .
Perhaps you could look to some wars online? Research is important. You could do the Cold War, or World War I/II, or the Great Depression. Just some tips. :)